How to upload a perl module on CPAN using Dist::Zilla?

Today, I released my second CPAN module. While writing my first CPAN module, I used Dist::Zilla for uploading my module to CPAN, but when I looked into it today, I had to go through some dzil plugins again. So, I thought that I should write a blog post about this. Basic directory structured of the…

DrRacket rocks!

Life after GNOME’s Outreach Program for Women My previous post was about the end of my OPW internship task. I’ve tried learning so many different things post OPW: Rust language (studied it for a while, then left) Computer networks from Unix Network Programming (Enjoying… ) Advanced data structures (Enjoying…) Dancer : I tried learning it,…

GNOME’s OPW status update

Past weeks were quite smooth for me except a few last days, so here is the report: Accomplishments: This the list of the issues which I have done till now. Most of them are about writing a structured exception for an error, except some selected or better to say horrible ones :D, which I’ll discuss…

Recovering a file in git

While working on Moose, I accidentally deleted the wrong file in git, though code in that file was very small & easy, so I rewrote it and added it to git. But if it would have been a bigger file, then it might not be easy for me to rewrite it, so recovering that file…

GNOME’s OPW status update (weeks 1,2 & 3)

Accomplishments: In the past three weeks, I worked on these issues. Almost all of the issues (except 4-5) belong to structured exceptions in Moose. Problems which I faced: MooseX::Role::WithOverloading is broken: I have used operator overloading in the Exception class. Accoring to this issue, I was supposed to use a Role, but I inherited Exception…

Problem installing in Net::SSLeay

Somedays ago, I was installing Dist::Zilla, but it failed due to a dependency CPAN::Uploader, which failed due to Net::SSLeay. This is the concerned build.log: I searched for these erors, but didn’t get any solution, so I asked on #distzilla on MAGnet. A person named leont said that it’s due to libssl-dev package. Net::SSLeay is an…